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Absolut launches Creative Space for sustainability innovation

In June 2015, The Absolut Company launched a pop-up Creative Space in Stockholm to innovate around sustainable solutions when it comes to packaging and waste. The idea is to hack the areas of; reduce/eco-design, reuse/refill and recycling. Solutions such as own recycling stations, multiple solutions, second-life, no packaging/eco-design came up. The Absolut Company strives to drive progress in sustainable packaging, inspire their own production process and others - and to find a solution that could be implemented in production. Stay tuned for the next destination #absolutcreativespace

I'm biased since I was part of this project but it's fantastic to be able to work for a company which is so transparent and innovative and willing to learn and do more.

Creative Space is made out of old shipping containers with re-used material from production. They can easily be shipped to another location.

The Space has a fully functional workspace with tools necessary to create prototypes.

The Space hosted a hackathon around sustainability and was then open for anyone to use as long as they were working on projects connected to sustainability or social good.

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